CES Coimbra
The survey you are about to take was elaborated for the project ‘PRODEMO – Promoting Democratic Engagement through Mobile participation’ by the Centre of Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, in cooperation with the University of Roma ‘La Sapienza’, Programma Integra, The Democratic Society and PROGEU-Progress. The survey takes from about 10 to 15 minutes to be completed, and the confidentiality and anonymity of the respondents will be our highest priority, according to the legal framework of the involved countries and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation. All information that you provide will be kept in strict confidentiality, and data will be only released in aggregated forms, thus not allowing recognizability of respondents.
The project and its goals
The information collected through the survey will be used by the researchers involved in the European Union (EU) funded project (GA nº 874522) ‘PRODEMO – Promoting Democratic Engagement through Mobile participation’. The PRODEMO research project goals include: (1) examine and understand the causes and consequences of the (generally-) low awareness of EU mobile citizens[1] about their electoral rights; (2) information-sharing on EU mobile citizens’ right to participate in EU and local elections; (3) implementation of a skills-sharing program for community leaders and non-profit organisations; (4) development of a mobile app devoted to information-sharing and community-building across EU citizens.
Duration and organisation of this survey
The survey takes from about 10 to 15 minutes to be completed. It is divided in 3 sections. The first section concerns your opinions about political participation and citizens’ mobility in Europe; the second section addresses your knowledge on a variety of topics related with political participation; the third part consists of questions on your personal background. At the end of the survey, you will find a brief section for your feedback on this survey.
Data protection policy
Please note that this survey in line with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679), protecting the confidentiality and anonymity of the respondents. (in the online version, users will only see the first two sentences, and will need to click on “know more to read the remaining text). All information that you provide will be kept in strict confidentiality. Participants’ answers are combined, and presented in the form of summary statistics, such as tables and graphs. If you decline to answer a question or a portion of the survey, data from other questions you have answered may be used in these summary statistics. Rough data collected through this survey will be made available to the public through the dedicated website:
For further information please contact: Sofia Fonseca (
[1] In this survey, the term ‘EU mobile citizen’ refers primarily to European Union (EU) citizens, in their voting age and eligible to vote, who live in a Member State of the Union that is different from the country from which they have national citizenship.